

Precious Pink

This Previous bouquet includes White Oriental Lilies, Red Roses finished of with fine foliage, which..


Red Rozie Boquet LR

Fill someone's heart with love, with this beautiful red, pink carnation with daisy's bouq..


Rose Delight HAB

12 red roses are just the perfect gift for the one you love, the one you can turn to, the one who l..


Summer Beauty HAB

Summer Beauty is a perfect gift to give this hand tied bouquets of yellow lily's, gerbera and ..


Sunshine Of My Life DA

 Celebrate life with this perfectly hand arranged arrangement by our florist with gerbera, lil..


Tropical Beauty DA

 Tropical flowers and exotic foliage's add vibrant color; this remarkable artificial focal des..


Tropical Paradise DA

An intricate design of birds of paradise and calla lilies interwoven into the fingers of a large ph..


Tulip Bouquet HAB

A stylish wrapped hand bouquet is hand arranged with Beautiful tulips.  The bouquet ..


Valley Of Lily

Bouquet Of Lily With its origins tied to royalty and ceremony, purple represent dignity, pride ..


Victorian Garden Bouquet GW

They're on your mind. But you've been s-o-o-o busy. Take a people break -- send Garden Ville lovely..


Baby Bliss Flowers BB

Want to cheer up Parents of a new born boy? Give them a trip to the country with Garden Ville's lo..


Ceri Rose Carnation LR

Red rose with red and pink carnation are just the perfect gift for the one you love, the one y..


Dancing Pink HB

Give her this romantic vase arrangement of two dozen long stemmed pink roses with added greenery. Th..


Delightful Daisies & Roses GW

Sincere emotion expressed simply, beautifully. If that's your style, send Garden Ville's Delightful..


Welcome to Paradise BG

A beautiful new baby girl has arrived and what better way to send your thoughts and good wishes than..


Baby Boy Delight BB

Boy, oh boy, it's a boy! Here is a gift for the new parents that welcomes their gorgeous new baby ..
